This is the most secure method to make payments for products or services online. Where possible items are sent from our stock but we also sell via other supply channels.
In this case, orders will be fulfilled by our fulfilment centres or 3rd party suppliers at our discretion. Therefore, on occasions our products may come with a third party logo on the packaging. It will not be shared in any other way, your details are 100% secure. We deliver to mainland UK addresses only. All items are dispatched same day. If you have a problem tracking your order or have not received your item. And we will reply to your query always within 24 hours - usually much quicker!We work hard with all of our customers to ensure that they are getting an excellent shopping experience. All items are IN STOCK at time of listing.
It is not our intention to mislead buyers into purchasing our items so please read the title and the description carefully! If you have any questions. Communication is KEY to helping us give you the best experience.
We promise we can make you happy if you give us a fair chance. If you have any issues or are unhappy with the item for any reason, please do not hesitate to. We will do our most to resolve this situation. We will do our best to turn any less than satisfactory experience into a positive one.We are here to help! Kono 3FT Single Mattress, 20cm Memory Foam Pocket Sprung Mattress, Hybrid with. Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles, Scottish, Highlands, Scottish Islands, Northern Ireland.
And batteries to these locations. You can track your order by clicking the "View order details" link on the listing that you're receiving. Please allow up to 24 hours for order processing. We work very hard to ensure that our customers are taken care of and always reply to you within 24 hours. Feedback is our bread and butter.